See the list of courses required to complete the RN to BSN program at Belhaven.

General Education Requirements (15 credit hours)

Course # Course Name Credits
ENG 103 English I 3
ENG 108 English II 3
ENG 203 or ENG 204 World Literature I or II 3
MAT 101 College Algebra 3
HIS 108 or HIS 205 Western Civilization II or Contemporary World History 3

Nursing Pre-Requisite Courses (24 credit hours)

Course # Course Name Credits
BIO 230/232 Human Anatomy & Physiology I with lab 4
BIO 231/233 Human Anatomy & Physiology II with lab 4
BIO 279/280 Microbiology with lab 4
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology 3
PSY 203 General Psychology I 3
PSY 303 Statistics 3
SPE 102 Public Speaking and Discussion 3

Biblical and WVC Courses (6 credit hours)

Course # Course Name Credits
BIB 220 or BIB 221 Old Testament or New Testament History 3
WVC 301 Christian Interpretation of Life 3

Nursing Elective Courses (6-8 credit hours)

Must choose 2 from the following list:

Natural and Physical Sciences Any course in: Biology; Chemistry; Physics; Nutrition
Psychosocial Sciences Abnormal Psychology; The Family; Social Problems; Human Growth and Development; Death, Dying, & Grief; Addiction and Substance Abuse
Humanities and Fine Arts Art Appreciation; Music Appreciation; Dance; Theatre; Religions; Histories; Literatures; English courses
Mathematics Intro to Computer; Trigonometry; Quantitative Reasoning; Calculus

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5