May 11, 2009—In the 2008-2009 school year, Belhaven College recognized nearly three dozen students for their academic excellence, upstanding character, and campus leadership. At the Honors Convocation on April 21, 2009, thirty-two students were recognized for their achievements. During the Commencement exercises on May 9, 2009, three graduating seniors were honored for their exemplary character and academic achievements. The 2008-2009 awardees are listed below.

Achievement in Accounting Award
Mayra M. Prado

Freshman Art Major Award
Christopher James Brown

Junior Art Leadership
Adrianne Pierce Smith

Biblical Studies Award
Mary Leslie Harris

Biology Service Award
Steven Tyler Thornton

Most Outstanding Biology Student Award
Jerry S. Zifodya

Achievement in Business Award
Charles Edwards

James W. Park Academic Excellence Award
Daniel Browne

General Chemistry Award
Jonathan Kalehoff

Communications Achievement Award
Richard Joseph Craven

Communications Internship and Academic Excellence Award
Ryan Weary

Computer Science Award
Michael Kenyon

Dance Daniel Award
Joanna Stucky

Education Servant Leader Award
Kelli Anderson

Excellence in Education Award
Kimberly Hansen

Freshman Writing Award
Allison Kalehoff

Outstanding Senior English Award
Stacy Nott

Elizabeth Spencer Creative Writing Award
Christina Miles

History Award
Amanda Russ

Political Science Award
Laura Huddleston

Mathematics Award
Jerry Barlow

Music Excellence Award
Abigail Crumley

Kingdom Transformation Music Award
Joanna Kenyon

Research Club Scholarship Award
Victoria Senete

Philosophy Award
Milton Wilcox

Humanities Award
Erica Goforth

Psychology Award
Callie Brack

Sports Medicine and Exercise Science Award
Kimberly “Neely” Johnson

Theater Priscilla Award
Kerri Courtney

Theater Barnabas Award
Christopher Loecher

Outstanding Achievement in Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
Ethan S. Rodgers

Bess Caldwell Memorial Award
Anna Goeglein


Trustees’ Award
Laura C. Huddleston

Guy T. Gillespie Memorial Award
Lindsey Berg

Student Citizenship Award
Eddie Gyland Prosser