March 22, 2012 (Jackson) - Belhaven student, Eleanor Baxter, is directing her first play for a theatre production project, giving her valuable experience toward her career. Baxter will direct an inspirational play from American playwright Lee Blessing called Eleemosynary.
Eleemosynary will premiere in Belhaven's Center for the Arts, Theatre 151 on March 29 - April 3 from 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. This play presents the lives of the three women as they struggle to define themselves both as individuals and part of a family. It is a study of family relationships, and highlights the need for connection and forgiveness.
Fellow theatre classmates, Ginny Holladay, Jill Cromwell and Ashley Elizabeth Murray will take the stage and perform under Baxter's direction.
Baxter is a senior from Sun City Center, Florida and is pursuing a Bachelor of Art in Theatre Performance. Student directed plays are part of a series of performances from the Theatre Department that explore challenging topics and discover inspiring and innovative material.
When training student artists, the Belhaven University Theatre Department takes a liberal arts approach to teaching its curriculum. Students get a wide range of knowledge on and off the stage and this particular project is one of the experiences that prepare students for a career in theatre.
General admission is $10 and $5 for seniors, children and students. There is complementary admission for Belhaven faculty, staff and students. The doors open at 7:00 P.M.