May 24, 2013 (Jackson) - Kelsey Wieberdink, a senior pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, was recently selected to receive a $500 scholarship from Mississippi Professional Educators (MPE). In addition to the scholarship, she also received a complimentary membership to MPE for her first year of teaching. Wieberdink is from Andover, Minn. and works at the Mississippi School for the Blind. She is currently the president of Belhaven’s chapter of Kappa Delta Epsilon and on the President’s List for academic achievements.
Founded in 1979, the Mississippi Professional Educators is Mississippi’s largest and premier organization for professional educators, serving approximately 10,700 teachers, administrators and support personnel. MPE serves members in pre-K through graduate education in both public and private institutions with the purpose of promoting better education for the children of Mississippi.
Belhaven University stands among select Christian colleges and universities and has been repeatedly named one of “America’s 100 Best College Buys." The University offers 30 academic majors across a full spectrum of disciplines as well as a variety of graduate programs. In addition, Belhaven has achieved the distinction of being among only 30 universities nationally accredited in each of the major arts – music, theatre, visual art and dance. All programs are taught from a Christian worldview perspective and are guided by the mission to prepare students academically and spiritually to serve Christ Jesus in their careers, in human relationships, and in the world of ideas.
Belhaven University serves over 3,700 students offering undergraduate and graduate degrees on its residential campus, an online degree program, and graduate and adult degree programs in Jackson, Memphis, Orlando, Houston, Chattanooga, and Atlanta.