Suzanne Sullivan receives anniversary clock from Dr. Dan FredericksFor 20 years, Belhaven has honored its employees during the annual Service of Dedication. Faculty, staff and friends joined together on Wednesday night, August 12 for the 2015 Service of Dedication in the Center for the Arts.

The highlight of the program is the Celebration of Faithful Service. Every five years, honorees are presented with clocks as a reminder of the time they spent faithfully serving the University and its students. This year, Belhaven had its highest number of faculty and staff receiving commemorative clocks.

“The annual clock ceremony, which began when Dr. Parrott came, is a happy way to acknowledge those who have worked here at Belhaven over the years,” said Bettye Quinn, Associate Professor of Education and Director of Elementary Education. “One of the most exciting days of my time at Belhaven was when I was presented with a grandfather clock signifying 40 years of service. It was such a surprise and honor!”

Serving others is at the very heart of what makes Belhaven special. When staff or faculty begin work, they understand the importance of serving others and the importance of preparing students both academically and spiritually. They believe that serving students means serving God.

Below is a list of this year's recipients:

Five Years of Service

Rebekah Bert, Travis Bounds, Jennifer Brown, Stephen Calder, Mark Curtis, William Devore, Jr., Virginia Garrison, Trent Green, Tracy Harrington, Susan Haughton, Marsha James, Keri Jensen, Niki Jobe, Tommie Jackson, Jeremy Johnson, Latessa Johnson, Timothy Jordan, Jerry Kelleher, Deborah Leal, Cynthia Leavelle, Karlos Lyons, Aaron McCarver, Larissa McCutchen, Ernest Pickel, Carol Pierce, Michelle Polins, Kathy Ross, Marilyn Ross, Lawrence Ruddell, Kathleen Sloan, Richard Tice, Jonathan Tolbert, Joe Villarreal, James West, Elizabeth Whitney, Emily Wright, Ronald Young


Ten Years of Service

James Bennett, Bryant Butler, Tawesia Colyer, Kristopher Dietrich, Brian Gates, Dianne Liddell, Avery McAfee, Claudia Nesbitt, Ronald Pirtle, Erin Price, Andrew Sauerwein, Song Xie


Fifteen Years of Service

Christie Barber, Hill Denson, Joanna Dieckman, Ervin Martin, Suzanne Sullivan


Twenty Years of Service

Maurice Green, Ralph Mason, Roger Parrott


Twenty-five Years of Service

Helen Martin, Joe Martin


Below is a video of Dr. Roger Parrott, Belhaven University President, giving the annual address to the faculty and staff.