The Belhaven University Dance Apprentice Program is an opportunity for talented high school students pursuing a highly advanced level of study in dance and desiring instruction and performance experience through Belhaven University courses and faculty. The Program offers the opportunity for the apprentice to earn college credits while continuing to complete his or her high school curriculum.

The program's size is limited to six positions. Admission will only be granted at the beginning of the fall semester. At the discretion of the Chair of Dance, an apprentice may be admitted at the beginning of the spring semester. Students have to be in good scholastic standing and must be available to attend all sessions of the technique and performance courses in which they enroll. Students will participate as apprentice members of the Belhaven University Dance Ensemble.

The following are required at the time of application:

  1. Minimum age on September 1 must be 15.
  2. Completed application for admission and $25.00 non-refundable application fee.
  3. Achieved and maintaining a 2.8 GPA.
  4. Two letters of recommendation, one academic reference, and one dance related reference
  5. Student's letter of intent.
  6. Personal interview with the Chair of Dance and the Director of Admission.
  7. Audition in person for the Dance faculty and admission to the Program.

If eventually degree-seeking, the student will follow the standard requirements for admission while earned credit will be transferable.

The number of semester hours an apprentice can attempt is unlimited, but restricted to dance technique courses only. An apprentice may attempt lecture or laboratory courses when a high school senior status, or similar, has been achieved. After attempting six (6) semester hours in lecture or laboratory courses, he or she must either apply as a degree-seeking student or make a request to be continued as an apprentice.

Apprentices are accountable to the Chair of Dance and will be graded on the same scale as Belhaven University Dance students.

Apprentices will be obligated to continue participation for one (1) full semester at a time unless there is cause for discontinuation due to physical injury or other plausible hardship. An exit interview with the Chair of Dance is required.

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5