Belhaven offers news, information and discussion through various social media sites. Please see the list below and visit these sites to know more about Belhaven University.
Belhaven Personnel - To request permission for an official Belhaven social media site, please e-mail the Director of Digital Media.
Belhaven Social Media
Facebook is a social utility that helps people communicate more efficiently with their friends, family and coworkers. Millions of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. Anyone can sign up for Facebook and interact with the people they know in a trusted environment. You can find Belhaven on Facebook, too! Become a fan of Belhaven University on Facebook, and connect with Blazers all across the world.
- Belhaven University
- Belhaven University - Admission (undergraduate)
- Belhaven University - Blazer Athletics
- Belhaven University - Online, Adult and Graduate Programs
- Belhaven University - Dance
- Belhaven University - Film Production
- Belhaven University - Graphic Design
- Belhaven University - STEM
- Belhaven University - Music
- Belhaven University - School of Nursing
- Belhaven University - Theatre
- Belhaven University - Visual Arts
- Belhaven University - Student Development
Our Instagram account features great photos from around campus. Follow us on Instagram at the handle @belhavenu.
Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co -workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. People write short updates, often called "tweets" of 280 characters or fewer. These messages are posted to your profile or your blog, sent to your followers, and are searchable on Twitter search.
Follow Belhaven on Twitter for quick updates on campus news and events.
- BelhavenU - News and events at Belhaven University
- Belhaven Blazer Athletics
YouTube is an online video community, allowing millions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on and across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and e-mail.
Check out Belhaven's YouTube channel for videos of students, professors, and campus events.
LinkedIn is an interconnected network of experienced professionals from around the world. You can find, be introduced to, and collaborate with qualified professionals that you need to work with to accomplish your goals.
Join the Belhaven University Alumni & Friends group to expand your network of professional relationships through and with one another.
TikTok is a place to see entertaining short videos, often with a more casual feel.
Pinterest is a great resource to find inspiration for your residence hall room, check out the latest in Green and Gold fashion, and pick up great study habits and interviewing tips.
An RSS Feed is commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication," and it is an easy way to subscribe to timely updates from websites and blogs.
By signing up to receive the RSS for Belhaven News & Events or Athletics, you can be informed of all updates on a minute by minute basis.
Social Media Policy
With the constantly changing and expanding world of social media, Belhaven University has set up guidelines which we ask all of our participants to uphold. These guidelines include sites like, but not limited to, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and Blogs.
Be Relevant
Posts/comments written on any Belhaven University social media sites need to be relevant to the Belhaven community. The Belhaven social media sites will discuss things directly related to Belhaven University, not personal advertisements, products or causes. Posts that are deemed irrelevant to the site and/or the audience will be removed at the administrator's discretion.
Respect Others
Sexist, racist, offensive, obscene, sexually explicit, derogatory and other discriminatory posts, comments, images or videos will be removed immediately. Users are free to discuss topics pertaining to Belhaven University and disagree with one another, but please be respectful of other people. Also, ensure that proper permissions are obtained prior to posting images or videos of individuals.
Respect Yourself
For your own safety and security, please refrain from sharing personal contact information (home phone numbers, mailing addresses, personal email addresses, etc.).
Respect the University
Critical, offensive, derogatory and other discriminatory posts, comments, images or videos that attack the university or individual faculty, staff or students will be removed immediately. Critical comments should not be made on a public site - rather, according to the biblical model of one-on-one, face-to-face conversation with those responsible for the area being criticized.
Respect Intellectual Property
It is very important at Belhaven University to respect intellectual property and follow copyright policies. When posting text, images, or video ensure that proper permissions are obtained and that proper credit is given when required.
Verse of the Year
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5