Looking for community, culture, and access to a vast store of knowledge? Visit the library at Belhaven!
Libraries are fundamental to college life. They bridge communities, create learning opportunities, and provide meaningful resources. The Warren A. Hood Library supports Belhaven’s academic programs and the local community by providing resources to explore a wide range of human knowledge
95,000 Books and Journals
In circulation means loads of resources
100+ Electronic Databases
Access unlimited knowledge
12 Computer Stations
Help you complete coursework & research
2 Photocopiers
Print the materials you need
Connect, Focus & Engage
Libraries house centuries of ideas, information, knowledge, and history. They are integral to learning, giving the BU community access to information and collaboration.
Take a virtual tour of the Hood Library today.
Hood Library Regular Hours (non-summer)
- Monday – Thursdays: 7:30 a.m. – 12 midnight
- Fridays: 7:30 am - 10 pm
- Saturdays: 1:30 p.m. – 10 p.m.
- Sundays: 6:00 p.m. – 12 midnight
Hours will vary during school holidays, breaks and summer terms, Please note, the schedule is subject to last-minute changes. Times are in Central Standard Time.
Enjoy Lectures & Shows in the Auditorium
Within the library’s four walls, the Barber Auditorium serves as a space for lectures, presentations, and meetings. With ample lighting and 148 comfortable seats, the wheelchair accessible space is great for all kinds of academic events.
Find Your Favorite Study Spot
Sprinkled throughout the library, study spots give students a chance to find a workspace that fits their style. Do you need a corner far away from entryways? No problem. Are you looking for a seat by the window? Take your pick.
Stop By the Think Center
Located on the first floor of the library, the Think Center is an important resource for the academic lives of students. Grow academically by taking advantage of collaborative spaces, peer assistance, and tutors.
Take Advantage of the Student Computer Lab
Print for free from any of the computers in the Student Computer Lab upstairs. There are 2 printers and over 18 computers in the lab.

The library is a hub for community, learning, and research.
Library Etiquette
The library serves as a community space for those in pursuit of knowledge. Please be considerate of others during your time here. Look over the dos and don’ts of studying in the stacks:
- Always bring your current Belhaven ID
- Be considerate of people studying
- Keep conversations to a minimum
- Silence all cell phone & computer notifications
- Share workspaces and tables with others
About Borrowing
The Warren A. Hood Library provides full access and borrowing privileges to Belhaven faculty, staff, and students.
Borrowing Library Materials
Books and AV materials may be checked out by Belhaven students, faculty and staff. Students can check out up to 35 items depending on material type from the library. Reserves may be checked out by Belhaven faculty, staff, and students only.
All library patrons can place holds on or renew items by:
- Visiting the circulation desk
- Placing requests through the library catalogue
- Placing requests by phone or email
Books and reserves will not be renewed if they’ve been requested by another patron, and reference materials and print periodicals cannot be checked out.
Patron Responsibility
When a patron checks out library material, they assume responsibility for those items until they have been turned in, regardless of who uses them during the time they are checked out.
Overdue fines are no longer charged, unless faculty, staff, or students keep reserve items that are past due. Lost item charges still apply — keep track of any borrowed items!
Returning Materials
Library materials may be returned to the circulation desk or outside book drop. To prevent damage, DVDs and CDs should be returned to the circulation desk when possible.
Student Circulation & Fines
- Loan Period: 21 Days
- Checkout Limit: 15 Books
- Renewal Limit: 2 Books
- Fines: $0
- Loan Period: 7 Days
- Checkout Limit: 10 CDs
- Renewal Limit: 1 CD
- Fines: $0
- Loan Period: 7 Days
- Checkout Limit: 10 items each
- Renewal Limit: 0
- Fines: $0
- Loan Period: varies
- Checkout Limit: 5 items
- Renewal Limit: 0
- Fines: $3.00 per day

Looking for Something? Make a Request
Are you interested in adding the works from a modern poet? Maybe you’d like to see non-fiction works related to your area of focus. The Hood Library welcomes suggestions for new items to add to our collection from Belhaven faculty, staff, and students.
Contact Us
Warren A. Hood Library
Phone: 601-968-59481500 Peachtree Street, Box 306, Jackson, MS 39202

Verse of the Year
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5