Your Generous Support Will Transform Lives
Every donation, regardless of size, is significant and directly impacts the lives of thousands of students.
You are vital to every Belhaven student — past, present, and future.
With your generous gifts, we recruit academically gifted students. They learn and live in historic and high-tech facilities. They gather in beautiful and welcoming spaces. They're mentored by high-caliber, world-class faculty.
And when Belhaven graduates go out into the world, they have the knowledge and preparation they need to serve and lead in our communities. Because of you.

8 Ways to Give
It’s easy to donate to Belhaven’s student success and sustainable future.
1000+ Scholarships Each Year
Every year, donors like you support more than 1,000 students in achieving their dreams by contributing to our Annual Scholarship Fund
Always Improving New/Renovated Buildings
Our capital campaigns fund projects like our new Admission Welcome Center, Stadium, Operations Center, and general facilities support.

Belhaven Fund for Student Scholarships
This annual giving program is the backbone of support for our lifelong impact on generations of servant leaders. You can be a part of this blessing — every gift made to the Belhaven Fund directly goes to support a current traditional aged student.

Capital Campaigns
The aesthetics and functionality of our campus resources aids our efforts to draw and to teach those that God is calling into his service. The results? Our long record of graduates who have begun or enhanced their walk with Christ during their time at Belhaven.

Team Green: The Student-Athlete Experience
Do you know that Belhaven has an official annual giving club for Belhaven athletics? Whether you’re an alumnus, a parent, a business, or just a friend, your generous donation to Team Green helps our student-athletes succeed — on and off the field.
Contact Us
Office of Advancement & Alumni
Phone: 601-968-8719Belhaven University
Office of Advancement
1500 Peachtree Street, Campus Box 158
Jackson, MS 39202

Verse of the Year
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5