We know you are always recruiting and a university career fair is a great place to begin networking relationships with quality, future employees and students. The college and university is also one of the richest environments to get exposure for your business and graduate school programs. Be a part of this captive audience at Belhaven University's Career Fair. This fair takes place each spring semester.

Career Fair: Spring 2025

Employers and Friends of Belhaven University, welcome! We are always looking to make our programing the most effective it can be to better meet employer and student needs. If you have ideas or suggestions, please contact Claire Langley, Director of Career & Calling at clangley@belhaven.edu or 601-973-5155.

Register for the career fair online


Help a student master the art of the interview, practicing something they find intimidating. Donate your time to Belhaven's Mock Interview Program. The best way to do this is through our bootcamps.

In the Fall is the Career Bootcamp: Health & STEM, and in the Spring, Career Bootcamp: Business & Liberal Arts!

Your involvement can greatly impact a student's career future. There will be increasing opportunities for this. Please let us know your interest and we'll work with your schedule. Ask us about our Career Bootcamps and how you can get involved!

Want a great opportunity to have excellent students work toward your mission plus the possibility train future employees? Internships can be paid or unpaid for the students. Provide them with amazing real life experience and an opportunity to earn academic credit.

Belhaven alumni are known throughout the business community for their grounded and principled worldview. You may advertise your internship opportunity on Handshake. Internships for academic credit must go through an approval process. For more information, please contact the Center for Career and Calling.

You don't have the time or resources to dedicate to a part-time or full-time intern, but you still want to make a difference in a Belhaven student's life? Try Job Shadowing. You can dedicate one or up to three days of your choice and allow a student to shadow you while you work. There is very little preparation required on your part and the student can learn about your job just by watching you do what you'd normally be doing anyway.

Love what you do? Are you an expert or passionate about a work-related topic? Chances are there's a Belhaven student who could learn from your experience. Just step up to the podium and volunteer to be one of our topical speakers. It's low impact on your schedule and high impact on our student's future.

Would you like to be involved? We know you possibly have some great ideas along these lines. We'd love to discuss them with you and try to make it happen. Did you have a great experience through your Alma mater's career center that you would like to see repeated? We'd like to work with you to help make it happen.

Be a Corporate Sponsor of the Center for Career and Calling at Belhaven University. Advertise or sponsor a workshop.

Contact us via phone at 601-973-5155 or by email via clangley@belhaven.edu to get involved today.

Contact Us

Center for Career & Calling

Phone: 601-973-5155

Irby Hall 208
1500 Peachtree Street, Box 265
Jackson, MS 39202


red leaves of a crepe mertle outside Hood Library

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5