Belhaven University's unparalleled growth trend continues with the addition of a 42,756-square-foot facility in 2006 to house the Dance and Art + Design Departments.
The Bitsy Irby Visual Arts and Dance Center is home to five professional dance studios, a fully equipped dance performance theatre, computer design labs, faculty offices, photography studios and darkroom, painting, drawing and sculpture studios, and a beautiful art gallery. Individual art studios, reserved for students majoring in the visual arts, are the envy of many a graduate program, and serve as a testament to the dedication that the arts department has for their students to have all that they need to be successful.
This facility is made possible by a gift from the Irby family in memory of Bitsy Irby, the mother of Stuart M. Irby and Charles L. Irby of Jackson, Richard W. Irby and Joseph A. Irby of Little Rock, Ark., and Margaret M. Irby of New York.

Bitsy Irby Visual Arts and Dance Center

Tour the School of Dance Facilities at Belhaven University
Verse of the Year
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5